Tuesday 23 March 2010

Glimpses of Guangzhou, China

Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province in the south eastern region of China, is going to be hosting the 2010 Asian Games in November this year. This will be the first time that China has hosted the games, and the first time that such a large scale sporting global event is going to be witnessed in Guangzhou. The city is known for its rich Cantonese (or Guangdong) culture, delicious Cantonese food (you can eat whatever you like- seriously!), Cantonese Opera and the history that is as old as the grassroots of the north of China. Here are some photos which I have taken on my recent visit earlier this year to this amazing city. Enjoy!

Sunday 21 March 2010

Chance encounter with two talented Singers- one British, and one Dutch!

One is a British mother from the town of Dagenham (Essex), and the other is a former construction worker from Holland. Both are young, hugely talented singers and full of energy, as well as having sheer determination to succeed and prove their critics (if they have any!) wrong. I have to confess, however, that I have only watched X-Factor once when I was in the UK, and I have never watched Popstars. I love all kinds of music from all parts of the world, but these days I seldom have time to watch any television (maybe just on a plane or a hotel when I am travelling). I suppose I can get away with not watching Popstars because that’s more of a mainland European competition. It must take a certain person to stand up and have the courage to sing (and act) in front of millions of people around the world- and to keep them continually entertained.

Despite my great love for all kinds of music from all around the world, I am, to the disappointment of many, no big fan of X-factor. In the few moments I spoke to Stacey Solomon for, who is a proud Jew, I found her to be a very polite and nice person- and I suppose an inspiration for many. It must be very challenging for her to be under all that limelight, while looking after a young child AND studying at the same time. I admire people like that. To go from the rough streets of a town like Dagenham (from my experience, the town is an example of a typical working class area- sorry but its factual information), and rise to fame with such talent takes a certain person, and hats off to this lady for doing that! My Canon 500D was neatly packed away, so I had to do with the IXUS 801S- the photo does have slight grains in it.

On this press trip to Amsterdam, I met with another equally inspirational personality- this one was from mainland Europe. By sheer chance, or call it just pure coincidence, I somehow managed to bump into a large crowd of singers and dancers in the middle of Dam Square, Amsterdam. A few dozen people were standing in a semi circle surrounding a young chap who was singing in Dutch. Clapping their hands in rhythm to his song, the troupe seemed to be part of the Television show, Popstars, which is the European version of Britain’s X-Factor. The young chap singing and dancing in the middle of the crowd was Wesley Klein, the winner of the Popstars competition. I later found out that he has had an amazing transformation in his life too. For someone who worked as a construction worker (builder), nothing could have been more than a distant dream than going onto win the largest singing competition on mainland Europe. He seemed to enjoy every word, every move of the songs he was singing, and the attention he was getting from the crowds. Below are photos of both of these remarkable people.

British X-Factor Finalist, Stacey Solomon: Copyright Navjot Singh

Popstars winner, Dutchman Wesley Klein: Copyright Navjot Singh

The Dancing Dutchman! Wesley Klein: Copyright Navjot Singh

Saturday 20 March 2010

Stunning photos of Niagara Falls

Life is beautiful...and amazing
-Navjot Singh

Please click on the title of this blog to see the photos in the UK Daily Telegraph. Because of copyright issues, I am not going to publish the photos directly onto my website or this blog. They are part of a set of 16 photos I took.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

A very British education in CHINA

Article published in the UK Telegraph Newspaper. Please click below to read the article.
-Navjot Singh

All words and photos are copyright © Navjot Singh
No photo may be copied without the prior permission of the author.